Welcome to Little Gifts & Miracles Student Care, where we combine faith-based values with academic excellence to nurture well-rounded children.

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how to raise a confident child

Little Gifts and Miracles

Psalm 127:3 – ”Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from Him.”

诗篇 127:3 – ”儿女是耶和华所赐的产业,腹中的胎儿是他的赏赐。”

We prioritize the holistic development of children, emphasizing not only academic excellence but also spiritual growth. We believe in nurturing young minds with biblical values and principles, challenging them to love wisdom and pursue His truth. Our children will be empowered to fulfil their God-given purpose, and developed with the mindset that they can do all things through Christ who gives them strength. Join us for an exciting and meaningful learning journey today!

我们重视孩子的全面发展,不仅注重学业上的优秀表现,还注重灵命的长进。我们相信以圣经的价值观和原则来培养年轻的心灵,挑战他们去爱智慧,追求真理。我们的孩子将被赋予力量去实现上帝托付个人的使命,并学习以靠着那加给我力量的上帝,凡事都能做。 今天加入我们,开始一个充满激动人心和有意义的学习之旅吧!