Little Gifts & Miracles – Singapore’s Premium Student Care Centre that is founded on biblical values with a focus on Chinese education.
Our educational goal is not only to cultivate children’s love for Chinese, strengthen their listening, oral, reading and writing skills, but also to shape children’s character and values with the Bible, deepen their faith, and enhance their ability to apply biblical truth in the real world. We teach children to fear God (Proverbs 9:10), honor and respect their parents (Exodus 20:12), love others as themselves (Matthew 22:39), empower children to do mighty works, train them to be self-disciplined, (2 Timothy 1:7), and to be fruitful in various fields (Genesis 1:28). Therefore, we offer courses to cultivate character, strengthen Chinese proficiency to support children’s journey in becoming an all-rounder champion.
信望爱汉语学苑— 我们是位于新加坡,以圣经价值观为基石,并专注于华文教育的高端学生托管中心。我们的教育目标不仅是培养孩子对华文的热爱,增强他们的听说读写能力,也采用圣经塑造孩子的人品素质和价值观,提升孩子实践信仰的能力。我们教导孩子对上帝,敬而生畏(箴言9:10)、对父母,孝敬有礼(出埃及记20:12),对人,爱人如己(马太福音22:39)、最后对己,乃是持有刚强仁爱谨守的心(提摩太后书1:7)、并在不同领域多结果子(创世纪1:28)。因此,我们为孩子提供丰富的课程内容来培养品格,加强华文水平,支持孩子们在成为全能冠军的道路上不断前进。