Etiquette Training/ 礼仪培训
“Even children are known by the way they act, whether their conduct is pure, and whether it is right.” Proverbs 20:11
“孩 童 的 动 作 是 清 洁 , 是 正 直 , 都 显 明 他 的 本 性”(箴言20:11)
Following the truth of the Bible, we teach children good habits, behaviour norms, and etiquette, such as washing up, using the restroom, entering and leaving the centre, dining etiquette, and more. These good habits are not just about displaying politeness and discipline but represent the true essence of children’s etiquette, which is the deeper change beneath the surface, allowing children to have “a heart of reverence, gratitude, and empathy.”
按着圣经的真理, 我们教导孩子良好的习惯行为规范与举止素养,譬如:洗漱、洗脚、如厕、入学苑离学苑、进餐礼仪等。这些好习惯不仅仅是我们看到的懂礼貌、有规矩的行为,而是儿童礼仪真正的内涵,那就是表象之下更深层次的心灵变化,让孩子具有“敬畏心、感恩心、同理心”。
Safety Education/ 安全教育
“Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves.” Matthew 10:16
“我差你们去,如同羊进入狼群,所以你们要灵巧像蛇,驯良像鸽子” 马太福音10:16
Good safety education allows children to protect themselves even without adult’s help. Children need to learn self-protection from an early age so that they can stay away from danger and enjoy life. Therefore, at Little Gifts & Miracles, we have the obligation and responsibility to teach children necessary safety knowledge and how to handle sudden dangerous situations, so that children can maintain good mentality (mental calmness, decision-making skills) and self-protection ability when facing danger alone. Our curriculum includes: healthy eating, stranger danger, what to do when lost, school bus safety, anti-bullying, safe campus, and more.
良好的安全教育可以让孩子在没有大人帮助的情况下也能保护好自己。 孩子从小就要学会自我保护,这样才能远离危险,好好享受生活。 因此,在信望爱学苑,我们有义务和责任教给孩子必要的安全常识,以及处理危险突发事件的办法,好让孩子在单独面对危险时,仍然拥有良好的心态和自保的能力。我们的课程包括:不乱吃东西、不跟陌生人走、迷路的时候、校车安全、反霸凌等。
Bible Stories/ 圣经故事
Through vivid and interesting narratives, we not only enrich children’s knowledge of the Bible but also shape children’s worldview, life outlook, and values with the Bible, establishing a complete and solid cognitive biblical framework. At the same time, children also learn to use biblical truths to view all aspects of the world, distinguishing between good and evil, good, and best. In an information overload world, we equip children to use God-given wisdom and discernment to make accurate sound judgments, setting the child up for success and blessings.
Emotional Intelligence for Children/ 少儿情商
Through our Emotional Intelligence training class, children identify suitable role models (parents, classmates, historical figures) rather than unrealistic idols for learning; this improves children’s social interaction, independence, emotional management, empathy, resilience, problem-solving skills, sense of responsibility, and self-discipline.
Attention Span Training/ 专注力培养
Our centre trains children’s concentration ability through vertical quick movement training, flash vision training, Schulte tables and more, improving children’s concentration, visual and auditory discrimination, logical thinking ability, and relaxing children’s mood.